My work takes place at the nexus of social equity, communications, and media. But, as a Black woman, my life takes place at the intricate intersection of sexism, racism, and classism. I am an integrated marketing and communications expert who works with mission-driven organizations to enhance visibility, generate media coverage, and spearhead communications strategy that builds brands and improves public images. I am the author of In the Middle of Wanting, The Joys of Being a Little Black Boy, The Twirl of Being a Little Black Girl, and am also the founding organizer, producer, and curator of TEDx Grand Boulevard, and co-founder of Hurston Media Group, a marketing services and publishing agency dedicated to the creation, publicity, and awareness of media that reflect the Black experience.
"I love storytelling.—all types of storytelling. I always have."
~Valerie M. Reynolds

"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent.”
~Malcolm X